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Nur Atikah Sahirah
prefer to be called ika or kakak
seen the world on 21october1999
loves to have fun n mak lots of noise
studying in Greenridge Primary School, in pri5 patience
but not patience enough


January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 September 2010 November 2010 October 2011


Kak Nana Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit Exit


background : adobe photoshop pattern maker
images : asianfanatics
others : shabbyprincess | bittbox
designer : xfantasywingsx

Sunday, October 9, 2011


At last PLSE finish already . When I start the English paper i felt easy but some of the question are hard . Hmmm , the mother thought paper is OK OK for me but maybe some of them are easy I don't know . For the Foundation math is the same as English . OK I hate the subject most is Science it the super doper hard ... I hate SCIENCE !!!!!!! I wish all of the subject i pass and go to a very good school with my cousin name is Nazirah she is so beautiful ... confirm when she go to the secondary school many boy ask her to state with him ... Hahahaha ...And don't know what to do and ask for my help and i said no because it her fault because she want to state with the boys hahaha ...
message left at 7:54 PM

Monday, November 8, 2010

About my result

I felt so sad about my English and Mathematics.For my Mother Tongue I passed and for my Science a little bit more marks I passed.I think I must work harder.If I go to Johor Baru on November I must bring my P5 textbook and workbook.I must work hard so my mother will be happy and not to be sad so I can help my brother and sister on their work and push them up to be like me and go to University and get a good job.I don't want to stay back in Primary 5. I want to go to Primary 6!I need to work very very hard so my mother will be proud of my exam at least Science, Mathematics and Mother Tongue.
message left at 4:49 PM

Friday, September 24, 2010

what happened today

Tomorrow is my aunty birthday i cant wait...But i never buy her a present...Tomorrow i am going to the swimming pool with my mother,aunty ,brothers and sisters...Tomorrow i am going to tell you more.....
message left at 5:46 PM

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family carnival

It is very fun.I went with my sister,brother and aryani sister to the haunted house it was very scary but i fell like not so scary.Then i went to buy books.Suddenly I saw my mother,grandma and my aunty.I was so suprised then i went home because my ticket finish already went I reach to the life i saw my mother I call her then she fake me say my sister and brother at the carnival there then I say fake then she say no lah then i say ok i go down then she say want to go where they already inside.My mother cousin call my mother to go to her house then we go to the house .Then i take my brother and sisters.
message left at 7:33 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I am so happy about the holiday because i am going to the champ it was so much fun i can try the flying fox but so sad because some of my friend can go to the flying fox.Sometime i play with justin but everyone call justin as justin bieber it was so funny.The second day we went to the NE-TRAIL. At night is was the champfire everyone sing the chamfire song.It was so much fun.The third day it was time to go home the girl get scolded by Mdm Deborah because monica call cuteng bungkit panjang boy then shafiqah pretend to kick cuteng.12.00pm we go home.IT was so much fun.Iwish i can go there again.
message left at 9:05 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Yesterday(23 May)my cousin do for me the picture of bingbang for me and put the picture at the my bogger.Then i play with my brother,sister and my cousins.I watch AVATER movie with my cousins,brothers and sisters.At 7.00 i play batminton with my family and cousins.But it is a boring day.After playing batminton i do my homework.
message left at 9:08 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A typical weekday

On tuesday i am very happy at school my favorite teach is Mdm Deborah.At 7.30 Mr Yeo take us to class and teach us math i love maths very much last time i hate maths now i like them all. At 8.30 Mr Roslan didnt come i am very sad and boring because the releved teacher didnt teach us HE-SS.At 9.30 it recess time i go recess with melissa and feng ting.At 10.00 it maths time my friend and i do Ratio together with Mr Yeo.At 10.30 we didnt do science but we continue do maths.At 11.30 it malay time i am very very very boring at malay class.At 12.00 it english time i am very happy because it is english time it is my favorite.AT 1.00 my friend and i didnt go home becouse every tuesday and friday i have remidial that why i didnt go home 1.00 to 3.00.At 3.00 i go home.At 3.15 or 3.20 i reach home aready and i do my homework the review 3 .At 4.00 my aunty and i go and feach my younger sister and younger brother the two of them are twins.AT 5.30 me and my aunty and my younger brother and sister go down and play.AT 6.00 my aunty go and feach my another brother and sister.At 7.00 i go to Melissa house and do homework together.Melissa and i are neigbour.AT 10.30 i go to sleep with my aunty when i go to my room my mother ring the door bell my aunty open the door and i sleep again.
message left at 7:46 PM